High quality and forward-thinking "Made in Germany" solutions.

Since a century we give this promise to our customers for all of our corrosion prevention products and innovative sealants for roads, railways, buildings, installations and pipelines.

Our innovative products and systems help to ensure safe energy transport and durable roads. Protecting people, the environment and resources is our top priority.


The leading standard

The material combination PE/butyl rubber has been convincing since 1973 – more in the interview!

Ready for the energy transition.

DEKOTEC corrosion protection products are H2-ready!

Satisfied customers

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What characterises the cooperation with DEKOTEC? Our customers report.

A strong team

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That's us: a strong team. Find out more about our working environment.

Our most important products: from PLASTELEN®-Tapes and TOK®-Band to FORTIDE®-Epoxy Coatings to our world innovation SEALID® All-in-1

SEALID® All-in-1

Wrap once. All done. Find out more about our All-in-1 solution!


All information about our epoxy-based corrosion protection, for a wide range of applications.


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Easy and fast pipeline coating – Watch the video to convince yourself!


Corrosion protection at extremely high temperatures – See all information about our hotmelt sleeve!

TOK®-Band A

For joints and seams in asphalt road construction – See all information to our activable bitumen joint tape!

Products, applications and more

See all videos of DEKOTEC and our products on our own YouTube channel!

Contact – What can we do for you?

Do you have questions about products, system solutions or our company? Fill in our contact form. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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